Liquidazione dei Gioielli
Filtra per:
  1. Lunghezza dell'Ago : 23cm X

Aghi a Punta Singolare

Wholesale Single Pointed Needles - The most widely used needle is the single-pointed needle. It is a slender, straight stick tapered to a point at one end, with a knob at the other end to prevent stitches from slipping off. Such single pointed needles are always used in pairs and are usually 10-16 inches long but, due to the compressibility of knitted fabrics, may be used to knit pieces significantly wider.

1 risultato

Bambù SP Ferri da Maglia Naturale 23cm Lunghezza, 1 Serie

EUR 0,31~EUR 0,56
EUR 0,21~EUR 0,56
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