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Filtra per:
  1. Dimensione della Catena : 1.5x1mm X


Wholesale Jewelry Chains - Fine metal chains are used in jewelry to encircle parts of the body, namely the neck, wrists and ankles, and they also serve as points to hang decorative charms and pendants. Unlike industrial or chains for other purposes, jewelry chains are designed for aesthetic purposes. We provide wholesale jewelry chains with different materials and all kinds of shapes; it contains cable chains, curb chains, Rollo chains, ball chains, miscellaneous styles chains.

1 risultato

Lega di Ferro Catena di Collegamenti Catenella Catena Ossido di Lega di Ferro 1.5x1mm, 10 M

EUR 1.87~EUR 2.88
EUR 1.69~EUR 2.59
Prezzo scontato per quantità (Unità: confezione)
EUR 2.88
EUR 2.59
EUR 2.34
EUR 2.10
EUR 2.02
EUR 1.82
EUR 1.87
EUR 1.69
Cod.: B15099
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