Filtra per:
  1. Forma : Tondo X
  2. Stile della Marca : Mermaid Pesce/Drago Scala X
Colore (Strass)
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Cabochon di Resina

Wholesale Resin Cameos: Resin Cameos are always colorful and in different shapes. You can add the color and shape you like the most to your shopping cart. As one of the biggest beads wholesale supplier, we are confident with our quality and price. Owe to our employee’s team spirit and service attitude which can satisfy all the customer’s needs. 8Seasons also supply other variety kinds of products, you can choose any one you like. Just begin your shopping journey on this page!

3 risultato

Resina Druzy/ Drusy Cabochon per Abbellimento Tondo A Random 50 Pz

EUR 0.92~EUR 1.66
EUR 0.83~EUR 1.66

Resina Mermaid Pesce/Drago Scala Cabochon per Abbellimento Tondo Blu Squama AB Colore 12mm Dia, 100 Pz

EUR 1.13~EUR 1.73
EUR 1.02~EUR 1.56
Prezzo scontato per quantità (Unità: confezione)
EUR 1.73
EUR 1.56
EUR 1.40
EUR 1.26
EUR 1.21
EUR 1.09
EUR 1.13
EUR 1.02
Cod.: B662385
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